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Human Capital Planning is an incredibly important part of running an organization because it has a huge impact on a business by aligning actions with best practices. It is directly correlated with the income a business can generate. As such, it shouldn’t be left to HR Departments unless they have significant experience in it. Human Capital Planning is a true leadership involved function.
Our engagement is a one year project consisting of identifying the short and long term goals of the company and creating a plan for growth. We work together to identify when to hire people for which roles at each stage of growth as well as the projected costs.
With human capital planning, it's important to create an organization chart so that you can determine what positions are needed and the skill sets of each. Detailed job descriptions help with this process as well by letting us evaluate whether our current employees have these skills or not. A comprehensive organizational structure is necessary when searching for new talent because they will be able fill in any gaps left behind based on their qualifications.
The cost of an employee far exceeds their salary when you add in payroll taxes, benefits, training, legal compliance, insurance and claims, equipment and office space. Knowing the exact costs of each position, as well as what you can afford to spend on additional HR needs and offers current employees raises or bonuses will help optimize efficiency throughout all departments involved with human resources management.
It’s important to create a strategic plan to recruit and hire new employees. It’s important to create recruiting guidelines, procedures and practices you will use each time you want to fill a new position. This includes writing job descriptions, setting compensation levels for positions you're looking to fill as well as posting ads, interviewing potential candidates, determining which applicants will move onto an interview stage where they can discuss their qualifications face-to face with members of your team. Having a solid process in place minimizes costs and creates a strategy into how to select new employees.
We work with leaders to determine the skills that require improvement and take steps in order to help employees get necessary training. Training methods include onsite workshops, seminars or tuition reimbursement for college classes; certification courses as well sending them off onto conferences so they can learn from industry leaders. Knowing when and how to invest in training is a pivotal point in Human Capital Planning.
Human-capital planning is a key component of ensuring that the right people are in place with adequate skill sets to meet company goals. The process allows managers and workers alike, both up top as well at lower levels within an organization's hierarchy; ample opportunity for providing feedback about how best someone can perform their job function. In this area, we work with leaders to create company policies and procedures to provide support for leadership training.
The first step is to fill out a brief application to determine whether or not you are a good fit for this program.
When the application comes to my office, one of two things will happen. If we decide you're not a good match, you'll receive an email letting you know. If you are a good match, you'll receive an invitation to book a call with us to learn details and next steps.